Over 30 years of experience
For over 30 years and 2 recessions we have consistently made money from property, buying, selling, developing, letting as well as managing.
In this time we have built up a portfolio of well in excess of 250 properties and 100 residential Freeholds. We have consistently used our own funds as well as that of the banks.
Up to 12% return!
What is little known is that we often work with a small band of reasonably high net worth individuals mainly, friends and family, in order to achieve this, particularly in recent years as the banks lending criteria has got stricter due to sensible Government regulation. For several years now we have been paying between 6% - 12% to investors on hundreds of thousands of pounds, as opposed to the lower rates they can expect from the main high street banks. In order to continue our growth we are opening up the opportunity to others with anything from as little as £50,000. In other words, we would pay back monthly up to 10% interest as opposed to 1%. At the end of the the agreed fixed term we would then payback the full amount.
Investing into a real track record
It’s very frustrating when you read articles about others, who appear from nowhere with little apparent experience, who are ‘investing’ millions of pounds of other people’s money into schemes you would not dream of touching with a barge pole! Particularly when these ‘investors’ are often out bidding us on development opportunities, by paying too much for sites.
When we invest for a client we invest our own money too… So if the project goes wrong and our client loses money, WE lose money also. The net result is that our projects do not go wrong. When people invest their own money they are MUCH more sensibly cautious. Far too much investment is done by people who only risk losing their job, not their home!
However, in life there are no guarantees. All we can do is let our projects and partnerships do the talking. The continued returns on their money for years to come is a testament to our reliability. These are not regulated investments, and some are technically high risk, but in many cases they are undertaken with a first charge on the investment property guaranteeing that our client has an asset no mater how the project works out.
Forget all the peer to peer lenders, they have just become the new middle men. We are the guys at the coal face, you can meet us, touch us and see where we work. We will show you what we have done and are doing right now. We won’t show you generic photos of other people’s stuff. All the photographs in our website are of developments we have done. Spot the differences between OUR CGI plans and OUR finished products below.